Prayers Please

Could I ask you to pray for my family and me? We’ve got a lot on our combined plates these next two weeks. Mackenzie left for North Carolina on Sunday to stay with my friend Marybeth and her family for…

Raising Kids

Okay… we are pretty new to our subdivision having only moved in last July. And we noticed something right off the bat. People in this development care deeply about their yards; their lawns, flower beds, landscaping, etc…   They take…


If you’ve joined us via the Spiking a Temp devotion that is running at Proverbs 31 and Crosswalk, welcome! If you haven’t read the devotion yet, click here to do so. I know at times in my walk with God…


We had our last ballgame yesterday. The last of 63 this year, folks. With both boys on a city rec team and the town’s traveling team for their age, that is how many nights we’ve had a game since the…

Musings About Michael

I know, I know…..people everywhere are getting sick of hearing/seeing/reading about Michael Jackson’s sudden death. I am one of them. However, my mind has for the past few days been pondering many aspects of his life and death.  I didn’t…