Need Help for the Ol’ Mama Mouth?

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Welcome to those of you joining us today after reading my Proverbs 31 devotion “Me and My Mama Mouth”. {To read it, click here}

Ever have times when, while interacting with family members around the house, you are certain you are going to blow your stack?

The chores aren’t done on time—or in the right way. Someone makes a complete mess of an area you just spent a great deal of time cleaning. The kids are sluggish getting out the door to an event and now it threatens to make the entire family late. Something you asked someone to do didn’t get done and now it messes up your day. And on and on and on…..

Interruptions. Inconvienences. Delays. Derailments.

Messes. Mishaps. Mayhem……that’s Motherhood!!

When you can’t always control the look of your house–or the actions of those living in it–do you sometimes also have a hard time controlling your temper and your tongue? Do you find yourself behaving biblically backwards—being slow to listen, quick to speak and quick to become angry?


This “Pause Before You Pounce” Challenge includes five days of encouraging and practical devotions that will not only inspire you to interact prayerfully and properly with the members of your family, it will also give you some practical ways to do it along with a small daily challenge designed to bring BIG change! The idea-packed emails will automatically come to you daily for five days starting with the day you sign up.

Click here to participate in the free 5-Day “Pause Before You Pounce” Challenge! {Your family and friends will thank you!}

And if you’d like to purchase my book this challenge was based on, LET. IT. GO. How to Stop Running the Show & Start Walking in Faith, {on how to stop trying to control things and start trusting God} click here.


  1. The bump-proof locks may be more expensive, but will ive
    you qantity of protection. In order too leave the home in a tension free way one has to install a good locking syxtem so that no one can break in.
    Use those study guides to find excam study references and test content outlines.

  2. I don’t get the email to confirm te 5 day challenge subsribtion.
    Sorry for my bad englisch.

    From the Netherlands

    1. I did get it in my other mail, sorry for the misunderstanding.
      And again, sorry for the bad englisch!

      From the Netherlands

      Reading or speaking is somthing different than whrithing.

  3. Ouch!!! O how I praise Jesus that HIS timing would be so in tune with what is happening in my own life. I am guilty of flying of the handle when I see thing not the way “I” would like them. Just a drill sergeant I am. I hang my head in shame. I am so grateful to you and the Lord for bringing this devotion and helpful tips and encouragement my way today.

  4. Yes :( This morning did not go well. Out of four kiddos, I have one who is never ready on time. It didn’t go well with both of us yelling back and forth this morning. I’m out of ideas to get him out the door w/o missing the bus or us separating each day with frustration under both our skins…

  5. Karen~

    You have no idea how PERFECT the timing of your devotion was today. I clicked on your blog and holy cow…You must also be spying on my life (Good word choice, Amanda Langworthy!!) This is an area I need a massive amount of prayer on and a lot of work on my end. I look forward (more than you will ever know) to getting the 5 day challenge emails!!! I will be getting up even earlier to read them so we can get our days off to a better start!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Thanks a MILLION:)

  6. WOW! Excited about this 5 day challenge. Reading your post was like you are spying on my life ;) hahaha thank you!

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