When it Rains, it Pours….and Sometimes a Tornado Hits!!!!!

Okay, people. I know that God is in complete control of our circumstances. I know He loves us and wants the best for us. I know He even promises not to give us more than we can handle. However, this weekend left me wondering if somehow, He has me mixed up with another Karen Ehman.

I am in the midst of packing for the expected sale of our home and obtaining items (like window treatments for the entire house) for the purchase of the new one—both hoping to be closed on early next week. Kenzie, my sister-in-law and I leave next Wednesday for the Proverbs 31 She Speaks conference—the one that I have three new talks to prep for and a speaker evaluation group to love on and encourage. YIKES!! All good….but still YIKES!!! Couple that with “take-me-out-to-the-ballgame” evenings four nights a week and….well, let’s just say my life was hectic enough, thank you very much!

Then, this weekend, Mitch came down with the crud, accompanied by a high fever; Spencer’s deep puncture wound on the top of his foot (that he obtained by practicing spearing fish with a hotdog roaster and then complicated by allowing a leech to attach to it while he played in the pond) became infected again requiring a trip to the doctor’s 45 minutes away and as I type, Todd is headed to the hospital with him to get x-rays on it to access the situation.

Oh yeah….and horrible storms passed through our small town in mid-Michigan Friday and Saturday resulting in our new neighborhood being hit by a tornado. (Okay…so one station says tornado. One says a squall. It was something fierce, that’s all I know!)

At any rate, some homes had major damage, one was hit by a falling power pole and transformer that fried the insides of the house, one had an entire roof lifted off like the lid of a cookie jar. Barns were leveled. Trees were uprooted and the home we are buying? Thankfully only some shingle damage, a caved-in entire garage door, minor debris in the yard, oh and I did have to retrieve the realtor’s face that had blown off the sign and was lying a yard or two away!!!!

Here are a few pictures from the highway that leads up to the new subdivision.



I am trying not to freak out. Really I am.

All prayers for my “not-freaking-out” mission appreciated!

Now, for the winners of the books from lasts week’s series of posts by Glynnis Whitwer on working at home. From the comments on the first post that Glynnis shared with us, the winners are Rebecca and Laura. Congrats!!! You ladies please contact Glynnis directly at [email protected] to give her your mailing address.

For the rest of you…please be patient with me in the next few weeks. (Even now I had to drive 15 minutes into town to a coffee shop to access the internet since the storms took that out too!)

I will try to hop on and update, but all of these circumstances have put me in a place of clinging very tightly to the Lord. It is a good place, but doesn’t allow much time for anything beyond God, Todd and the kids.

Sweet someday-I’ll-know-why-all-of-this-is-happening blessings,


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