Living Clutter-Free

Got clutter?

Come on….. we all do!

Here is some of my own after-Christmas clutter as I took down decorations, put away new presents and de-junked the drawers, closets & crevices of our home.

Un-decorating the living room and Christmas tree.
Piles of papers, manuals and assorted junk that needed a good weeding through.

And, after two days of sipping coffee, listening to talk radio and working like a maniac, (only stopping to eat) here is a snapshot of the furnace/storage room in our basement. I pulled everything out of the bins, got rid of what we no longer needed and reorganized the items we still use. (NOTE: Don’t be envious of my plastic totes. One year, about a decade ago, for Christmas, my birthday & Mother’s Day all I asked for was money to buy these useful bins.)


Ta-da!!! After several hours, my "stuff" is all labeled and put away.

January is the perfect month to do a little clutter-busting.

If you are serious about wanting to get your “stuff” in order too, join my friend and ministry partner Glynnis Whitwer as she leads a 15 day “Living Clutter-Free” challenge that begins on Monday, January 9th.

It is based on her newest book, (the forward to which I was honored to write!) called I Used to Be So Organized.

If you want to check it out, click here. I’ll be joining along too as we encourage each other to bust those piles and de-clutter our homes and minds!

Happy clutter-busting!

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