Want to Write a Book? Win a Free Call

Ever had a little dream tucked deep inside your heart to someday write a book?

Our Proverbs 31 next Step Speaker Services is offering a conference call on how to get started that I will be teaching.

Here are the details:

Writing a Bang-Up Book Proposal

Date: Thursday, February 7, 2013 at 8:00 pm EST.

Think you have a great book idea but absolutely no clue how to put together a book proposal that meets the standards of the publishing industry? Karen Ehman has written five books with three major publishers and is also hired to write book proposals for other potential authors.

In this informative and practical call she will highlight the key components that comprise a winning proposal and then give you the tools to craft one yourself. The call includes a sample book proposal template from Karen’s latest book being published by Zondervan. There will be plenty of time for Q & A

You can enter to win a free call (valued at $25) today by leaving a comment telling us if you’ve ever wanted to write a book. And, if you’d like, tell us what the book would be about.
You can enter through midnight on Friday. Please note: replying to the RSS feed by email doesn’t enter you. Please go to the post to leave a comment by clicking on the title of the post in your email. Thanks!
And if you’d like to purchase the call (or purchase the download to listen to later) click here.


  1. It is unlikely to be an indicator of a more serious disease or condition, and it will likely
    clear up over time even if it is not treated by a medical professional.

    In some cases, patients experienced a symptom flare of old injuries that
    became aggravated after the treatments. Other complications
    the patient needs to report to his or her physician include:· Sudden debilitating
    pain never felt before – · Decreased ability
    to function, walk, perform dressing or grooming activities – · Numbness in megs especially feet – · Pain in calves especially
    with walking – · Falls of any kind – · Increased stiffness
    in the back upon awakening – · Sleep disturbances,
    muscle aches or fatigue.

  2. This would be an awesome experience! I have always joked about writing a book someday! Just recently, I heard God speak to me, “write these words I have given you”.
    I have had many life experiences and God has always been there, with a purpose behind whatever I was going through, to prepare me for the next step. God is faithful to those who trust in him; life is hard, but faith gets you through the hardest trials.
    Thank you for a chance to win a conference call to help someone with their dream!

  3. I would love an opportunity to speak with you. I ‘d love to have a book published and have been working on some ideas. Thanks for this opportunity.

  4. I know that God has called me to write a book. I started writing at least 4 years ago, but I just have not been able to complete it YET. Thanks so much for this opportunity and God Bless!

  5. Faith fused with insight ignites HOPE. The light comes on! That’s what I see in the hearts and faces as I speak, teach, and write through my ministry Hope101.net . When I integrate faith with psychological insight people find healing, wholeness and holiness.

    The mountain I’m speaking to today is the mountain of lack. I need a book so hurting women can have the insights and resources at their fingertips. I need the book because the message of hope is bigger than I am. So, God, if it is to be. Let it be.

    Love you ladies and thank you for all you do!

  6. Hello,
    I would love to win a conference call! Yes I intend to write books and my first one I’m going to get started on very soon. As soon as God gives me to go ahead and the wisdom to write it. The title will be “From One Parent Who’s BEEN There To Another Parent Who IS There.” I’m on a mission to spread some information to parent’s, school staff, etc. So that is a LITTLE about my book I don’t want to share too much yet! LOL
    Thanks and blessings,

  7. I have felt the call to share my story of divine guidance in a book for several years. I’ve been following what I believe is God’s call for my life after my sister Ashley disappeared and I felt led to the work I do today to shine the light on women and children who are missing among the homeless that often become victims of human trafficking. This work was born literally as a result of a repeated prayer about what to do throughout such a painful and difficult time. The answers came in the form of ‘signs’, ‘coincidences’ and many other miraculous moments of which I’ve kept track of the last 13 years. Against all odds – the ‘divine idea’ became a mission that now helps thousands of people around the world. It has s been in my heart for several years to write a book and share this journey about this hidden social problem of ‘missing, missing persons’ and ‘the kids off the grid’ and how God has literally used my pain and my mess – to become a bigger message. I have been praying about ‘the next steps’ and ironically saw this opportunity in my email this morning from Next Step Speaker Services!

    Would love to be selected to participate and begin the process of putting a proposal together.
    Libba Phillips
    Founder, Outpost for Hope
    Libba Phillips
    email: [email protected]

  8. This is pretty amazing, actually, I just finished writing the first draft of my book proposal yesterday and was thinking about who could take a look at it for me. The idea is rebuilding the temple – which is us. I know you hear this often, but this is God’s book. I didn’t even want to be a writer, yet here I am. We all need to look inside at the things that are creating a separation between us and God, most of us don’t even realize how the world has pulled the wool over our eyes, we think were good, but I wonder, often, if God thinks that. Hmmm….sounds like a subject for a book!! haha. Thank you for the opportunity! Lisa

  9. It would be a blessing to be able to speak with you. I have always dreamed of becoming a published author. I have had thoughts of writing a book many times especially in regards to my son who was diagnosed with autism when he was 2.8 years old and how working very hard he is mainstreamed and doing fabulous…..how God answered prayers and how He has healed him. Great opportunity. Thanks for the opportunity. :)

  10. There is a book written on my heart that has yet to be put into words. It is a testimony of God’s great work in the lives of sinners redeemed by the blood of the lamb. I have recently engaged in some training for writing and publishing and would be honored with a call from Proverbs 31 Next Step Speakers Conference to assist me as I begun to move this from my heart to the written word.

    What a blessing this will be for one among us who has a story to tell to others.

  11. What an awesome opportunity! Yes, I so very much want to write a book, and I am actually doing research. Still carefully being prayed over so that wherever this goes, it is God’s timing and purpose.

  12. Would LOVE to write a book! Or a few…..God’s given me a title (a couple few years ago), but that’s as far as it ever got.

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