At 22

Kenna about four hours old. She is wearing the sleeper I came home from the hospital in in 1964 and laying on the blanket my husband came home from the hospital wrapped up in in 1962.

Pushing pause on the blogging button to  wish our oldest child and only daughter a Happy Birthday!

Twenty-two years ago today, after 21 hours of labor, a placental abruption, and an emergency c-section, Kenna made her scary entrance into the world at 2:51 p.m. (She never did make things easy on me!)

Kenna and her daddy. My handsome college-sweetheart-turned-hubby Todd. Photograph by the fabulous Ethan Painter Photography.

My heart aches that this is the first birthday where she hasn’t been able to be with her family. However, her second family spoiled her big last night with dinner, gifts and individual words of affirmation spoken straight to her heart.

Kenna and her “little sisters” Ashley, Hope & Brooke.

Today her fabulous and servant-hearted boyfriend will deliver our gift to her. I’d snatch a pic of the two of them from Facebook and post it here but since I’ve not asked his permission, I’ll pass. Don’t want to upset the man. (I mean its not like I’m all stalker-ish and thoroughly checked him out on Twitter and Facebook before they started dating, going back to his posts from as far back as three years ago or anything. Moms don’t do stuff like that. {wink} )


So Happy Birthday to our Mackenzie Leith Ehman. Our Half-Pint. Kenzie-doodle. Peanut. Kiddo. Kenna-bob.

We love you!

{NOTE: I’ll return later this week to post pictures from my Focus on the Family trip and host a guest on Friday with an encouraging giveaway. Also, if you want to be in on helping me with my next book and dvd project, sign-up to be one of my Go-to Gals by clicking here. I’m getting ready to survey them for their opinion and ideas on the topic.)

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