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10 Simple Ways to Sprinkle God’s Love on Valentine’s Day

10 Simple Ways to sprinkle God's love on Valentine's Day

Valentine’s Day is a great opportunity to share and show the love of Christ with your family, with those around you, and especially with those who have never experienced His love.

Here are 10 simple ways to sprinkle God’s love on Valentine’s Day … and really, any day of the year!
**see the printable tags at the end of this post to make it easy peasy.**

10. Purchase some coffee house gift cards and attached a tag to each. Go into the hospital waiting room and hand them out to folks there who look like they could use a good cup of coffee. “I just whispered a prayer for you.”

9. Take your kids to the local grocery store. If it is snowing then scrape windshields in the parking lot. If not, offer to carry out the groceries for elderly people you see. Hand them a tag with a small treat attached. “Know that you are greatly respected.”

8. Purchase gift cards for local restaurants that deliver and attach some of your tags to them. Take one to your pastor or church secretary. They can order their lunch in on a busy day. “Bless you for faithfully serving us all year long.”

7. Place a candy bar or homemade treat in your mailbox for the mail carrier. Be sure to attach a tag. “You do your job so well. Bravo!

6. If you have small children, have them color some pictures or paint some adding glitter and stickers. Then, take them to the local nursing home and hand them out to the residents. “I just whispered a prayer for you.”

5. If you live in an area where there is a lot of snow on the ground, make snowmen outside of the windows of a nursing home or hospital children’s ward. Be sure to get permission first.

4. Hand a tag to the worker at the drive-through window and pay for the person’s order behind you. Instruct the worker to give the tag to the person when giving them their food. “Just wanted you to know, you rock!

3. Assemble a fruit or vegetable tray and cover with plastic wrap and attach a tag and a bow on top. Take it to the local police or fire station thanking them for their hard work all year long. “You have a God-given gift for serving others.

2. Does your high school graduating class have a Facebook page? Look up the person from your high school days who was the meanest to you. Leave a message on their wall wishing them a happy Valentine’s Day! “I just whispered a prayer for you.”

1. Take in a plate of homemade goodies to your child’s teacher’s lounge at school. Attach one of the tags to the plate of goodies. “Thank you for the influence you’ve been on my child.” (For some great recipes of what to make, click here)

Printable Tags

Click HERE to receive your printable tags by email. After you enter your email address, check your inbox for your free download.

Printable notecards to share the love of Christ with those around you at karenehman.com. #listenloverepeat

Need some help spreading love to the spouse that drives you crazy? Check out Karen’s new book, Keep Showing Up.

Have more ideas to add to the list? I’d love to hear them in the comments below.

Happy Valentine’s Day!!!


For ideas on sprinkling God’s love all year round, check out Listen, Love, Repeat: Other-Centered Living in a Self-Centered WorldKaren Ehman encourages us to to live alert, listening for “heart drops,” hints from those in our lives who need a helping hand or a generous dose of encouragement. Living alert lifts our own spirits, showing us that blessing others blesses us even more. Listen, Love, Repeat offers biblical teaching and suggests doable actions that are simple, heart-tugging, sentimental, even sneaky and hilarious. For a sneak peek at Listen Love Repeat, sign up for Karen’s How to Hear a Heart Drop five-day challenge.














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